49 Great Oak Road, Oxford, CT 06478
Hours of Operation:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday: 9am - 4pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9am - 7pm

Tax Information
This page contains information and links to help get you started on completing your 2024 Taxes on the State and Federal level.
Oxford Public Library does NOT provide assistance with completing these forms.
Federal & State Tax Information
Tax Help
VITA Tax Services-
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program offers free tax help for low-to moderate-income (under $58,000) people who cannot prepare their own tax returns. Volunteers, sponsored by various organizations, receive training to help prepare basic tax returns in communities across the country. VITA sites are generally located at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations. Some locations also offer free electronic filing.
If you need assistance from VITA, see the list of Connecticut VITA Sites. Please note: When accessing this IRS link, you must select Continue to get to the screen which allows you to chose your zip code. The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services is proud to provide training and materials to volunteers from the VITA Program.
AARP Tax Services-
AARP's Tax-Aide Program, a partnership between the AARP Foundation and the Internal Revenue Service, provides free tax counseling and preparation services to middle-and low-income taxpayers, with special attention to people age 60 and older.
Click on the Tax-Aide Site Locator which will take you to the AARP site for information on locations and hours. Many sites will e-file your federal and Connecticut returns at no cost to you. The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services is proud to provide training and materials to volunteers from the Tax-Aide Program.